Touching the Earth with Susie Harrington and Denise Ackert
Do you long to embody the ease, freedom, and aliveness that is your true home? To do so, the Buddha implored us to “go to the forest, to the foot of a tree” as an onward leading condition for awakening to our true nature. In this home of spruce forests, alpine meadows, birdsong, and wandering moose, we practice immersed in the natural world. And we explore opening ourselves to the beauty, inter-connectedness, and preciousness of our true nature. During this retreat, we’ll be encouraged to look out and around, as well as inward, and to delight in what we see. This retreat is held in noble silence with periods of group and solo sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, and inquiry practice.
Lodging Options – view lodging options here (external link to RMERC site)
You may camp in a beautiful campsite, or stay in the lodge. There are a limited number of single lodging options, such as single rooms, mini singles and glamping. The other rooms are shared accommodations.
Information and Registration: to come via Desert Dharma.
Susie Harrington and Denise Ackert (assisting)
Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center
Ward, CO 80481 United States